Tourette Syndrome
Tourette Syndrome is the formal diagnosis for the presence of motor and vocal tics that have been present for more than a year. Tics are largely involuntary and can be exacerbated by stress, anxiety, illness, poor sleep, or by calling attention to them. The average age of onset is six years old. Tics are far more common in boys than in girls by a 4:1 ratio. Tics can be simple - sudden, brief, repetitive movements that involve a limited number of muscle groups - or complex - tics that present in a pattern and involve several muscle groups. Some complex tic presentations can indicate Tourettic OCD.
Motor Tics
Simple tics:
eye blink or squint
shoulder shrug
nose twitch
jerk of the arm
muscle tightening​
mouth movements
Complex tics:
jumping or hopping
hitting or biting oneself
sticking out the tongue
opening and stretching the jaw
silly expressions
obscene gestures
touching or smelling objects
Vocal Tics
Simple tics:
throat clearing
Complex tics:
repeating one's own words or phrases (palilalia)
repeating other people's words or phrases (echolalia)
using vulgar or obscene words or phrases
yelling words or phrases