Harm OCD
Harm OCD involves feeling unsure and anxious about your own ability to harm someone else. These thoughts and fears generate considerable anxiety and distress. And of course they would! It's terrifying to think about harming someone. These harm obsessions are usually aimed at loved ones which only serves to intensify the distress. Compulsions involve avoidance and otherwise working to be certain you will not follow through on the scary thoughts.
having thoughts of carrying out violence toward someone else
vivid images of violent acts
worries around whether you have full control of your movements
questioning whether you have true intentions to harm another person
avoiding persons at the center of the obsessions in order to protect them
hiding dangerous objects or anything that could be used as a weapon
avoidance of media and entertainment involving violence
internet research around what makes a violent person and evaluating oneself
asking others for reassurance that you would not carry out a violent act
mentally reviewing past behavior for certainty you are in control and not a danger
Additional Symptoms
extreme distress from intrusive thoughts
feeling uncertain in one's ability to control their movements, actions and body
worries about harm to others with or without intent
terrified of impulsive action that causes harm
guilt and shame over the repulsive thoughts of harming others
questioning if the thoughts represent one's "true" nature
The Problem with Seeking Certainty
OCD comes with urges to engage in compulsions, either mental or behavioral. These compulsions are in pursuit of 100% certainty that the feared outcome will not happen. For example, never using a serrated kitchen knife so as to completely avoid the possibility of harming someone with a knife. Avoidance will ultimately lead to a small and limited world experience with more and more things to avoid because they trigger the anxiety and uncertainty. Also, relying on compulsions to get relief from the anxiety will only serve to grow the OCD and feed the cycle.