Perfectionism carries with it the appearance of someone hard-working, high-achieving and exacting. It is often spoken of as a positive personality characteristic. Yet perfectionism has deep and long-standing ties to anxiety, depression, and disordered eating to name a few. When perfectionism is experienced positively, it tends to be motivating and encourages a person to work harder and achieve goals. When perfectionism is experienced negatively, it can lead to unrealistic expectations, fear of failure, rigid thinking, self-criticism and avoidance. These are the issues that can be helped by cognitive behavior therapy.
Unhelpful Perfectionism:
fear of failure
inability to learn and grow following failure
unrealistic expectations of self and others
willingness to be unhealthy in pursuit of a goal
difficulty walking away from a project or task
emotional and behavioral outbursts
impairment with social and family relationships
negative self-talk and beliefs
difficulty initiating tasks or projects for fear of not being able to reproduce the image in your mind
The Goal of Therapy:
increase awareness of the helpful and unhelpful aspects of perfectionism
development of a growth mindset
change alignment with all or nothing thinking
reduce the influence of unhelpful perfectionism
lessen the fear of failure
increase flexible thinking and responses
develop the ability to prepare for and accept alternate outcomes
diffuse from thoughts like "I am only as good as my accomplishments" and "My worth is based on my academic success"